Tethered Lines of Times
Coming Soon
A collection of poems, old and new.
Tethered Lines of Time, pokes into 65 years of poems from J. Scott Crossen’s life with diabetes.
From before his diagnosis to the present, this book contains the complete poems of excerpts found in his memoir, Later. I Learned.
Poems of life, loss, health and sickness, nature, love and laughter.
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Enjoy Excerpts from the Book
By J. Scott Crossen
I wanted to write a poem of laughter tonight.
Head on hand, leaning toward the candle flame.
You made me feel I should try
I might have even chuckled
At the memory of you.
At least I thought I could until I tried.
So I peer out through the rain,
Trickling down the wrinkled glass.
Drops of memories when I cried,
In dark nights I tried,
To forget you for good.
For better or worse
Still you lie in my thoughts
Like a vagabond con.
So where will this time take us
After all we’ve said and done?
I suppose we could have done worse,
By never meeting.
Never knowing the other existed.
But then, I wonder if we would have.
Let’s try not to try.
© October 1979
By J. Scott Crossen
O what sound is this that calls to me,
On a restless breeze so hauntingly?
Tree leaves shiver as it passes by.
My thoughts are those that fall and fly.
Such an empty night ‘neath a melting moon.
The air feels fragile that carries this tune.
While I lie in this field with the moaning sky,
The aching air wanders and cries.
And whispers of this searching time,
‘Neath the dark clouded sky in pantomime.
And this voice that beckons to follow its sound
Imbues my brain like rain on soft ground.
Teasing my heart to chase it down
Now weaving its way through country towns.
How many more souls are pulled by this call,
To strap wings on their feet and leave behind all?
© September 1973
More About the Author
Scott began journaling when he was old enough to hold a pen. He has a natural skill for writing, and in his first book, Later, I Learned: A Journey Through Life with Diabetes, he provides true gripping accounts of his life with insight, sensitivity, grit, humor, and a poetic touch. His memoir delivers fascinating stories that reveal the impact of both short and long-term diabetes complications and the elusive search for a cure.